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Bus # |
Date |
Description |
November 21, 2002
2051 is shown heading southbound on the Fish Creek C-Train line at the 39 Avenue
Station displaying it's "See it.... Report it... Wipe out graffiti and
vandalism" vinyl wrap
November 21, 2002
Another view of 2051 as it departs the 39th Avenue station showing the consist
that it was coupled with. The car ahead of 2051 is 2020 with the
"Ride the wind" vinyl wrap. Having two vinyl wrapped LRV's in
the same consist isn't that common
December 2002
2051 is shown here at the Fish Creek/Lacombe LRT Station while it was having
some technical difficulties when this train arrived to go into service on the
Route 201 - Brentwood/Fish Creek Line. It was later uncoupled from the
rest of it's consist and a mechanic ran the train back to the Anderson Shops to
do the repairs. The rest of this train's consist did go into service about
a half an hour late after they had moved 2051 out of the way. This photo
was previously used as the January 2003 Bus photo of the month
December 2002
Another view of 2051 after they had got it uncoupled from the rest of it's
consist from the photo above
2051 |
April 2015 |
2051 running WB on 7th Avenue, leading a WB blue line consist destined for 69th Street Station. |
November 19, 2002
2053 is shown at the tail end of a Whitehorn bound C-Train waiting at the lights
at MacLeod Trail to proceed to the City Hall station
May 4, 2003
2053 is shown photographed on layover at the Fish Creek/Lacombe C-Train station
as a Brentwood bound C-Train, however it is shown photographed displaying
"53 Street" as it's destination. At this point, the Dalhousie
LRT Extension wasn't open and even at that, the station or route name wouldn't
have been called 53 Street anyways
May 4, 2003
2053 is shown at the Fish Creek/Lacombe C-Train station displaying "Castleridge"
on it's destination sign, an extension that is scheduled to open up in 2010
May 4, 2003
2053 is shown at the Fish Creek/Lacombe C-Train station
displaying "Dalhousie" on it's destination sign, an extension that
opened on December 15, 2003
May 4, 2003
2053 is shown at the Fish Creek/Lacombe C-Train station
displaying "Somerset" on it's destination sign, an extension that is
scheduled to open up in the summer of 2004
May 4, 2003
2053 is shown at the Fish Creek/Lacombe C-Train station
displaying "Westwinds" on it's destination sign, an extension that is
scheduled to open up in 2010
2005 |
2053 is shown on 7th Avenue at 3 Street SW as a Somerset bound
train |
2053 |
April 2015 |
2053 running WB on 7th Avenue, leading a NB red line consist destined for Tuscany Station. |
2053 |
May 2018 |
2053 running SB departing Brentwood Station, trailing a SB red line consist destined for Somerset-Bridlewood Station. |
2054 |
August 11, 1998 |
2054 is shown photographed leading a westbound Brentwood train
as it is shown loading passengers at the Olympic Plaza station |
2054 |
July 2005 |
2054 is shown departing the Victoria Park/Stampede Station with
the Mountain Dew vinyl wrap on it |
2054 |
August 2019 |
2054 running EB on 7th Avenue, in the middle of a NB blue line consist destined for Saddletowne Station. |
2055 |
August 11, 2000 |
2055 is shown at the tail end of an Anderson bound train at 1 Street SW in
downtown |
2055 |
2005 |
2055 is shown at the 4 Street SW Station as it arrives at the
station as a Dalhousie train |
2055 |
April 2015 |
2055 running EB on 7th Avenue, trailing a SB red line consist destined for Somerset-Bridlewood Station. |
2056 |
January 25, 2002 |
#2056 is about to enter Lions Park Station, heading for the south line to Fish Creek/ Lacombe Station. |
2056 |
2005 |
2056 is shown photographed passing Centre Street South as it
heads towards the newly built 1 Street SW Station |
2056 |
September 2014 |
2056 running EB on 7th Avenue, in the middle of a NB blue line consist destined for Saddletowne Station. |
2056 |
September 2014 |
2056 arriving at Chinook Station SB, leading a SB red line consist destined for Somerset-Bridlewood Station. |
2057 |
November 19, 2002 |
2057 is shown out of service waiting at the lights at MacLeod
Trail SE to head southbound towards the Anderson Garage |
2057 |
2057 is shown photographed as it approaches the Centre Street
Station as a Whitehorn bound train |
2058 |
May 2004
2058 is shown passing through the construction along 7th Avenue
between 1 Street SW and Centre Street. On the May long weekend, these
tracks were ripped up and replaced with fresh tracks. Of a couple of
points, this area is where the new westbound trains will stop (Left side of
the photo) and will replace the current 1 Street SW Station, and secondly,
2058 is shown with one of the "Go C Go" signs for the Calgary
Flames, in support of the run for the Stanley Cup. |
2059 |
February 9, 2003
2059 is shown at the 7th Street SW Station on a snowy night.
The photo may look a little fuzzy in spots from the snow but I liked the way
it turned out. |
2059 |
April 2015 |
2059 running WB on 7th Avenue, leading a NB red line consist destined for Tuscany Station. |
2060 |
August 13, 2000 |
2060 is shown leading a train heading westbound along 7th Avenue towards
Brentwood |
2060 |
October 9, 2000 |
2060 is shown leading an out of service train along 7th Avenue next to City
Hall Station |
2060 |
January 26, 2002 |
#2060 on a layover at Brentwood Station. |