Golden Arrow School Buses
Golden Arrow is a contractual school bus operator in the Edmonton area. Based out of West Edmonton, they service various schools in the region as well as provide additional contract service to other parts of rural Alberta. The most prominent contract operator is Parkland School Division #70 based in Spruce Grove. A lot of older buses find their way out there for a few years before being retired. Note that Golden Arrow operates many highway coaches in addition to school buses; click here to access the Golden Arrow highway coach section. Over the last 15 years or so, the size of both fleets has more than doubled. They seem to have a habit of picking up used buses (particularly out of Ontario and Quebec), making for a very diverse and interesting fleet!
Units 001-099 |
Units 100-199 |
Units 200-299 |
Units 300-399 |
Units 400-499 |
Units 500-599 |
Units 600-699 |
Units 700-799 |
Units 800-999 |
Units 1000-1099 |
Units 1100-1199 |