M-420(W) #2500-2579, r/n 3500-3579

Renumbered to 3500-3579 in 1986-87. 2511, 2516, 2535, 2552 retired before renumbering.

Thumbnail Locomotive # Description Date
2548 2548 is shown posed for photos in Toronto, Ontario April 6, 1983
3502.jpg (575325 bytes) 3502 3502 is shown photographed in the Macmillan Yards waiting for it's next assignment July 4, 1995
3561 3561 is shown posed for photos in Toronto, Ontario March 30, 1996
3571 3571 is shown posed for photos with CN 9655 beside it on CN Trains A385 (3571) and 389 (9655) January 29, 1995

This page last updated on June 7, 2005

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