F7Au #9150-9179

Thumbnail Locomotive # Description Date
9164-1.jpg (729655 bytes) 9164 9164 is photographed in Concord, Ontario waiting for it's next run January 28, 1989
9164.jpg (71126 bytes) 9164 9164 is shown at the National Railway Equipment yard in Silvis, Il July 3, 1995
9165.jpg (56084 bytes) 9165 9165 is shown at the National Railway Equipment yard in Silvis, Il July 3, 1995
9166.jpg (55560 bytes) 9166 9166 is shown in Toronto, Ontario posed for photos April 8, 1988
9175 9175 is shown with 9173 posed for photos in Toronto, Ontario August 28, 1986

This page last updated on June 7, 2005

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