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Bus # |
Date |
Description |
698 |
ETS #698 southbound on 66 St at 28 Ave as a route 60 Millgate. |
698 |
April 26, 2001 |
698 is shown on 42 Street south of 76 Avenue as a Route 83 - Bonnie Doon |
698 |
April 2003 |
698 is shown retired inside of the Patterson Compound |
698 |
August 10, 2003 |
698 is shown retired inside of the Patterson Compound |
699 |
October 23, 1998 |
699 is shown outside the Ferrier Garage after running the morning rush hour |
699 |
2002 |
ETS #699 is about to turn onto Calgary Trail North from 51 Ave during a morning rush hour while working a route 80. |
699 |
February 2003 |
ETS #699 has arrived in Downtown on a route 52 and is seen outside of
the Stanley Milner Library. Note that this bus still has painted on fleet
numbers. |
700 |
October 23, 1998 |
700 is shown waiting outside the Ferrier Garage after running on the morning
rush hour |
700 |
ETS #700 at Commonwealth Stadium on Park N' Ride service for an Edmonton
Eskimos game. |
700 |
September 2001 |
ETS #700 at Southgate as a route 42 Blue Quill. |
700 |
March 2007 |
700 at Jasper Place as a route 114. |
701 |
February 2002 |
ETS #701 at Southgate as a route 50 Aspen Gardens. |
701 |
April 8, 2004 |
ETS #701 southbound on 97 St at 118 Ave. |
702 |
May 31, 2002 |
ETS #702 is southbound on 83 St as a route 71. |
702 |
April 2007 |
702 running EB on Jasper Avenue at 101 Street as a route 5. |
702 |
April 2007 |
702 at Coliseum as a route 5. |
702 |
2007 |
ETS #702 working a 130, northbound on 116 St and 104 Ave. |
703 |
April 30, 2001 |
703 is shown photographed on layover at the Southgate Transit Centre |
703 |
April 21, 2006 |
ETS #703 outside of the Edmonton Centre at 100 St and 102 Ave. |
704 |
June 2000 |
ETS #704 departing Lakewood Transit Centre on 28 Ave westbound. |
704 |
September 2001 |
ETS #704 southbound on 100 St at the Telus Plaza bus stop, while working a
route #70 to Mill Woods Town Centre. |
704 |
June 17, 2006 |
ETS #704 parked outside of the Paterson Garage waiting for it's next run. |
704 |
June 2008 |
704 running EB on 102 Avenue approaching 99 Street as a route 162. |
705 |
ETS #705 at Millgate Transit Centre as a route 6. |
705 |
March 24, 2004 |
ETS #705 makes a left turn off of 66 St. onto 28 Ave WB. |
705 |
June 2007 |
705 at the old Southgate as a route 73. |
705 |
April 16, 2008 |
ETS #705 departing Mitchell for the afternoon peak hour. |
705 |
April 16, 2008 |
ETS #705 departing Mitchell for the afternoon peak hour. |
705 |
June 2009 |
705 running WB on 81 Avenue at 178 Street as a route 109. |
May 20, 2000 |
706 is shown on layover as a Route 106 - Lessard at West Edmonton Mall |
706 |
August 2007 |
706 at Capilano as a route 85. |
706 |
August 2007 |
706 at Capilano as a route 85. |
706 |
February 21, 2008 |
ETS #706 waiting for the trip to the scrap yard in the Paterson Compound
after being retired. |
707 |
May 2000 |
ETS #707 working a route 68 Lakewood, departing Downtown on 100 St. |
707 |
2003 |
707 is shown heading southbound on 101 Street near 102 Avenue as a Route 3 -
Cromdale |
707 |
October 2006 |
707 at West Edmonton Mall as a route 112. |
707 |
August 2007 |
707 at Stadium as a route 120. |
708 |
February 2000 |
ETS #708 seen shortly after being repainted into the blue and silver.
Heading east on 28 Ave after leaving Lakewood. |
708 |
February 2002 |
ETS #708 on a layover at Millgate. |
708 |
May 2002 |
ETS #708 is southbound on 86 St possibly as a school special from W.P. Wagner High School, just up the road. |
708 |
June 29, 2006 |
ETS #708 climbing Bellamy Hill. |
708 |
June 2008 |
708 at the old Kingsway TC as a route 130. |
710 |
September 2001 |
ETS #710 at Millgate as a route 69 Mill Woods Town Centre. |
710 |
May 15, 2003 |
ETS #710 heading southbound on 100 St while the bus was on its way out of Downtown. |
710 |
June 1, 2004 |
ETS #710 is heading east on 28 Ave at 66 St. in this photo. |
710 |
February 21, 2008 |
ETS #710 arriving in Downtown on 100 St at Jasper Ave while working a route
8 NAIT. |
710 |
April 2009 |
710 at Westmount as a route 121. |
710 |
September 18, 2009 |
ETS #710 arriving at South Campus Transit Centre. |
710 |
September 18, 2009 |
ETS #710 arriving at South Campus Transit Centre. |