1979 Flyer D900 #491-502

Thumbnail Bus # Date Description
0491-1.jpg (120224 bytes) 491   April 1, 1999 491 is shown sitting at the north fence at the Spring Gardens Garage
491 August 2000 CT #491 leaving Spring Garden's for the afternoon rush hour.
ct491-3.jpg (117829 bytes) 491 June 2001 CT #491 operating as a route 109 during the afternoon peak hour on 5 th Ave.
ct491-2.jpg (112708 bytes) 491 June 2001 CT #491 operating as a route 109 during the afternoon peak hour on 5 th Ave.
0491.jpg (119373 bytes) 491 July 4, 2001 491 is heading westbound on 4 Avenue at 1 Street SW out of service
0492.jpg (98312 bytes) 492 August 1998 492 is shown posed for photos in downtown just before it starts a Route 64 - Macewan.  This bus was posed to have Route 310 - Nakiska on the destination sign
492 August 2000 CT #492 retired behind Spring Garden.
0493.jpg (78762 bytes) 493 August 1998 493 is shown retired behind Spring Gardens Garage
0493r.jpg (76771 bytes) 493 August 1998 493 is shown retired behind Spring Gardens Garage
0494.jpg (74584 bytes) 494 October 14, 1999 494 is shown stored behind Spring Gardens Garage
0495.jpg (75091 bytes) 495 October 14, 1999 495 is shown retired behind Spring Gardens Garage
495 August 2000 CT #495 retired behind Spring Garden's.
0497.jpg (97878 bytes) 497 May 7, 1999 497 is shown on 32 Avenue NW beside the University of Calgary with Route 218 - Private on the destination sign
0497r.jpg (88745 bytes) 497 May 7, 1999 The rear of 497
0498.jpg (76648 bytes) 498 January 1999 498 is shown on layover at Brentwood LRT Station before it goes into service
498 June 2001 CT #498 sitting inside of Spring Garden's.
Calgary499.jpg (123346 bytes) 499 1986 499 is shown on 7th Avenue at 6 Street SW as a Route 1 - Bowness
0499.jpg (62535 bytes) 499 August 1997 499 is shown stored behind Spring Gardens Garage
499 August 2000 CT #499 leaving Spring Garden's for the afternoon rush hour.
499 June 2001 CT #499 southbound on Centre Street in Downtown during a morning rush hour.
ct499-5.jpg (119466 bytes) 499 June 2001 CT #499 southbound on Centre Street in Downtown during a morning rush hour.
ct499-4.jpg (149204 bytes) 499 June 2001 CT #499 garage bound during the morning rush hour in the Downtown core.
ct499-3.jpg (109649 bytes) 499 June 2001 CT #499 garage bound during the morning rush hour in the Downtown core.
0500fps.jpg (79236 bytes) 500 April 5, 1999 500 is shown on layover at 5th Avenue at 9 Street SW as a Route 87 - Huntington West Express.  Neither this bus or that bus route exist anymore
0500-1.jpg (85603 bytes) 500 1999 500 is shown on 5th Avenue at 8 Street SW as a Route 62 - Hidden Valley
0500.jpg (92556 bytes) 500 June 26, 2001 500 is shown leaving Spring Gardens Garage for the afternoon rush hour
ct500.jpg (106756 bytes) 500 June 2001 CT #500 departing from Spring Garden's during the afternoon rush hour.
0501.jpg (78677 bytes) 501 October 14, 1999 501 is shown stored behind Spring Gardens Garage
501 August 2000 CT #501 retired behind Spring Gardens
0502.jpg (88987 bytes) 502 ? 502 is shown turning off of 12 Avenue onto Southbound Centre Street North as a Route 2 - Killarney 17 Avenue.  This bus was later sold in April 1986 to Airdrie Transit and was found out in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1998.

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This page last updated on December 10, 2022.
