Assorted Work Cars and Maintenance of Way Cars

Thumbnail Car or Equipment # Date Description
2503-12.jpg (43327 bytes) 2503-12 April 21, 2003 2503-12 is shown in storage along one of the tracks at the Keith yards in Calgary, AB
2503-12r.jpg (42682 bytes) 2503-12 April 21, 2003 Another view of 2503-12
16004.jpg (170995 bytes) 16004 January 1975 16004 is shown blasting through the snow near Mt Elgin, Ontario
404943.jpg (77148 bytes) 404943 ? 404943 is an 1948 CC&F Ex- Baggage Express car (#4231 when it was used for baggage), shown here converted to a Service car at the Alyth yards in Calgary, AB
404944.jpg (72631 bytes) 404944 ? 404944 is an 1948 CC&F Ex-Baggage Express car shown converted to being a Service at a rail yard in the mountains
411210.jpg (99373 bytes) 411210 ? 411210 is shown photographed at the Ogden Shops.  This car is a  CPR built former sleeper car built in 1912 as #6307
411210-1.jpg (76511 bytes) 411210 ? Another view of 411210
411316.jpg (73084 bytes) 411316 September 25, 2002 411316 is a former cook/diner/sleeper car built by NSC/CP in 1926 and is shown sitting at the CP Ogden Shops in Calgary, AB being used as a work service car.  This car is formerly "Golden" Tourist sleeper in 1961 and was originally numbered 6232
411369.jpg (67714 bytes) 411369 September 25, 2002 411369 is shown at the CP Ogden Shops with Work car 411316.  369 was built by Canadian Car & Foundry (CC&F)/CP in 1926 and was formerly "Farron" tourist sleeper car in 1962 and was Ex-CP 6325, nee "Parry Sound"
411687.jpg (80772 bytes) 411687 ? 411687 is a CC&F/CP Rail built Tourist sleeper shown converted to the Calgary Aux Diner, photographed at the Ogden Shops
411742.jpg (48621 bytes) 411742 ? 411742 is a CC&F built baggage car shown after being used as a Cook-Diner-Sleeper car, photographed at the Alyth yards in Calgary, AB
411742-1.jpg (141870 bytes) 411742 June 3, 2003 411742 is shown being stored in the Industrial Yards in Calgary, AB at the east end of downtown.  This part of the industrial yard had the tracks ripped out sometime after this photo was taken
414220.jpg (126573 bytes) 414220 May 31, 2003 414220 is a Ohio Crane shown parked out at the Keith Yards in the west end of Calgary off of mile 9 of the Laggan Subdivision
424993.jpg (63781 bytes) 424993 October 2002 424993 is shown in Smith Falls, Ontario posed for photos.  This car is a Gauge Restraint Measurement Vehicle
unknown.jpg (81812 bytes) Unknown ? This unknown former passenger service car (Possibly a Cook-Diner-Sleeper car is shown photographed at the Ogden Shops in Calgary, AB
mow.jpg (54886 bytes) Unknown November 6, 2002 This unknown track work equipment is photographed inside of the CP Industrial yard while they were doing some track work inside the yards
  2002 One of CP's Track Mobiles is seen at the Odgen shops.

This page last updated on March 28, 2004

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