Canadian Pacific Business Cars and Passenger Cars

Includes RDC units for now too

Thumbnail Car or Equipment # Date Description
0063.jpg (67110 bytes) 63 October 2002 Car 63 is a Track recording car and is accompanied by Car 68 and Work Service Car 424993
0068.jpg (51205 bytes) 68 October 2002 Car 68 is a Accommodation Car that is accompanied by Car 63 and Work Service Car 424993
assiniboine.jpg (56921 bytes) Assiniboine (70) April 21, 2003 Assiniboine is shown here at the end of a consist being operated around Mile 175.5 of the Brooks Subdivision in Calgary, AB next to 9 Avenue at 1 Street SE
killarney.jpg (112713 bytes) Killarney (71) June 2, 2003 Killarney is seen here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.
mtroyal.jpg (45607 bytes) Mount Royal (73) April 21, 2003 Mount Royal is shown here being operated around Mile 175.5 of the Brooks Subdivision in Calgary, AB next to 9 Avenue at 1 Street SE
mtstephen.jpg (116034 bytes) Mount Stephen (74) June 2, 2003 Mount Stephen is seen here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.
vanhorne.jpg (52009 bytes) Van Horne (77) December 16, 2002 Van Horne is seen here at the end of the CP Holiday Train consist all decorated with lights at mile 10 of the MacLeod Subdivision
mtwentworth.jpg (42812 bytes) Royal Wentworth (78) December 2, 2002 Mt Wentworth is seen here being pushed back towards the Alyth yards with business car Mt Stephen and locomotives 1531 and 1532
nrcrump.jpg (107890 bytes) N. R. Crump (79) June 2, 2003 N. R. Crump is seen here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.
0090.jpg (73335 bytes) 90 October 3, 2002 RDC Unit 90 is shown here at the north end of the Alyth yards waiting to be moved.  Later, this unit was moved to the CP Industrial Yards in Downtown Calgary, AB, and was on it's way to somewhere in Quebec to be restored when it was involved in a train derailment.  It is not yet known what is going to happen to this unit.
0091.jpg (37745 bytes) 91 December 2, 2002 RDC Unit 91 is shown here retired at the CP Industrial yards in Calgary, AB.  RDC Unit 90 was to the right and back a little farther than this photo was taken.
0091-1.jpg (128514 bytes) 91 July 24, 1990 91 is photographed inside of the Agimcourt yard in Toronto, Ontario
0095.jpg (101426 bytes) Power Car (95) June 2, 2003 Power Car #95 is an Ex-Work Car and an Ex-Baggage Car shown here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.
banffshire.jpg (108310 bytes) Banffshire June 2, 2003 Banffshire is seen here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.  The consist had 1400, 1900, and 1401 (Not in that order) leading the set of business cars
craigellachie.jpg (104944 bytes) Craigellachie June 2, 2003 Craigellachie is seen here as part of the Royal Canadian Pacific consist heading westbound on mile 0 of the Laggan Subdivision in downtown Calgary, AB.
9021.jpg (178222 bytes) 9021 January 1980 9021 is shown mixed in with some other RDC untis at Buffalo, NY.
9052.jpg (149809 bytes) 9052 ? 9052 is photographed with the older maroon livery while it passes through on a cold winter day
9115.jpg (178998 bytes) 9115 January 1980 9115 is shown mixed in with some other RDC untis at Buffalo, NY.

This page last updated on May 9, 2005

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