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Date of Photo: |
4400 |
#4400 departing Bathurst Station as a route 511. |
March 2023 |
4403 |
#4403 running Westbound on King Street as a route 514. |
April 2017 |
4404 |
#4404 running Eastbound on King Street as a route 514. |
April 2017 |
4406 |
#4406 running Westbound on Dundas at Yonge as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4411 |
#4411 running Eastbound on King Street as a route 514. |
April 2017 |
4412 |
#4412 running Northbound on Spadina at Queen Street as a route 510. |
April 2017 |
4414 |
#4406 running Westbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4414 |
#4414 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4415 |
#4415 running Northbound on Spadina, approaching Spadina Station as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4416 |
#4416 running Northbound on Spadina as a route 510. |
April 2017 |
4418 |
#4418 running Northbound on Spadina as a route 510. |
April 2017 |
4421 |
#4421 crossing Gerrard Street as a route 504. |
April 2017 |
4424 |
#4424 running WB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4425 |
#4425 running Eastbound on King Street as a route 514. |
April 2017 |
4427 |
#4427 running WB on Queen Street as a route 504 (on detour from King Street). |
March 2023 |
4428 |
#4428 running Westbound on College at Yonge Street while on driver training. |
November 2017 |
4431 |
#4431 running WB on Queen Street as a route 504 (on detour from King Street). |
March 2023 |
4432 |
#4432 running Eastbound on King Street as a route 514. |
April 2017 |
4435 |
#4435 running Eastbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4437 |
#4437 running Westbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4441 |
#4441 running WB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4445 |
#4445 running WB on Dundas Street at Bay Street as a route 505. |
March 2023 |
4447 |
#4447 running WB on Queen Street as a route 504 (on detour from King Street). |
March 2023 |
4449 |
#4449 running Northbound on Leslie approaching Queen Street while on charter. |
November 2017 |
4455 |
#4455 running Northbound on Spadina, approaching Spadina Station as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4458 |
#4458 running WB on King at Yonge as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4462 |
#4462 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4464 |
#4464 running EB on Dundas Street as a route 505. |
March 2023 |
4470 |
#4470 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4475 |
#4475 running Westbound on Gerrard Street East, approaching St. Matthews Road as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4479 |
#4479 running EB on Queen Street as a route... 512 St. Clair?? I imagine this exposure was put up by mistake as this is nowhere near where the 512 actually runs. |
March 2023 |
4481 |
#4481 running Westbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4484 |
#4484 running Eastbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4484 |
#4484 at the same location as above, returning for the Westbound trip. Note the TTC 100th anniversary ad. |
November 2021 |
4487 |
#4487 not in service running Westbound on Queen at Leslie. |
November 2021 |
4488 |
#4488 running EB on King at University as a route 503. |
August 2024 |
4489 |
#4489 running Eastbound on College at Yonge as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4490 |
#4490 running Westbound on College at Spadina as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4492 |
#4492 running EB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4499 |
#4499 running Southbound on Spadina at College as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4500 |
#4500 running Westbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4506 |
#4506 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4509 |
#4509 running Eastbound on College at Yonge as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4512 |
#4512 running Southbound on Spadina at College as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4519 |
#4519 running WB on College Street at Yonge Street as a route 506. |
March 2023 |
4524 |
#4524 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4526 |
#4526 running EB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4530 |
#4530 running Northbound on Spadina at College as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4534 |
#4534 running Westbound on College approaching Yonge as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4537 |
#4537 running Eastbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 501. |
November 2021 |
4538 |
#4538 running Westbound on Dundas at Bay as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4539 |
#4539 running Westbound on Dundas at Yonge as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4539 |
The rear of #4539. |
November 2021 |
4542 |
#4542 running Northbound on Spadina as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4552 |
#4552 not in service running NB on Bay Street, just North of Dundas Street. |
March 2023 |
4553 |
#4553 running EB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4555 |
#4555 running Northbound on Spadina at College as a route 510. |
November 2021 |
4555 |
#4555 returning for the Southbound trip after completing the loop through Spadina Station. |
November 2021 |
4556 |
#4556 running Eastbound on Gerrard Street East at Broadview as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4558 |
#4558 running Eastbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 504. |
November 2021 |
4559 |
#4559 arriving at Bathurst Station as a route 511. |
March 2023 |
4564 |
#4564 running Eastbound on Dundas at Bay as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4565 |
#4565 running EB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4566 |
#4566 running EB on Queen Street as a route 504 (on detour from King Street). |
March 2023 |
4567 |
#4567 running Eastbound on Queen at Leslie as a route 504. |
November 2021 |
4567 |
#4567 running WB on Queen Street as a route 504 (on detour from King Street). |
March 2023 |
4569 |
#4569 running EB on King approaching Charlotte Street as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4572 |
#4572 running WB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4574 |
#4574 running Westbound on Dundas approaching Yonge as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4577 |
#4577 running Eastbound on Dundas at Bay as a route 505. |
November 2021 |
4578 |
#4578 running WB on King at University as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4580 |
#4580 running Eastbound on Gerrard Street East at St. Matthews Road as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4581 |
#4581 running EB on King at University as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4582 |
#4582 running WB on Queen Street as a route 501. |
March 2023 |
4586 |
#4586 running WB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4587 |
#4587 at Bathurst Station as a route 511. |
March 2023 |
4592 |
#4592 running Eastbound on Gerrard Street East at St. Matthews Road as a route 506. |
November 2021 |
4602 |
#4602 running WB on King at Spadina as a route 504. |
August 2024 |
4603 |
#4603 running EB on College Street at Yonge Street as a route 506. |
March 2023 |