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1997 Nova Bus LFS #229-233 & 236, ex HSR (#229, 236), OC Transpo (#230-233)
229 |
229 (ex HSR #9717) on layover at the University of Guelph as a route 2B West Loop via Downtown. |
July 2013 |
230 |
230 (ex OC Transpo #9721) on layover at the University of Guelph as a route 2A West Loop. |
August 2015 |
231 |
231 (ex OC Transpo #9722) on layover at the University of Guelph as a route 2A West Loop. |
August 2015 |
232 |
232 (ex OC Transpo #9736) running as a route 8 Stone Road Mall, continuing to Guelph Central Station to work a route 12 General Hospital. |
August 2015 |
233 |
233 (ex OC Transpo #9740) at St. Georges Square as a training bus. |
July 2012 |
236 |
236 (ex HSR #9714) at St. Georges Square as a training bus. |
August 2015 |
2003 Nova Bus LFS #169-176
170 |
170 not in service on Eastview Road, ready to start route 3B East Loop. |
August 2013 |
176 |
176 at the University of Guelph as a route 1A College/Edinburgh. |
October 2013 |
2009 Nova Bus LFS #206-220
206 |
206 departing the University of Guelph as a route 5 - Gordon. |
October 2012 |
207 |
207 departing the University of Guelph as a route 5 - Gordon. |
October 2012 |
2010 Nova Bus LFS #221-224
223 |
223 on layover at the University of Guelph as a route 3B - East Loop. |
July 2015 |
224 |
224 at St. Georges Square as a route 52 - University/Kortright. |
November 2011 |
2013 Nova Bus LFS #237-239
237 |
237 at the University of Guelph bus loop on its first day of service as a route 1A - College/Edinburgh. |
July 2013 |
239 |
239 on layover at the University of Guelph as a route 3A - East Look via Downtown. |
July 2013 |
2013 Nova Bus LFS #274, leased demonstrator unit.
274 |
274 arriving at Guelph Central Station as a route ARC Special. |
September 2014 |
274 |
274 on layover at Guelph Central Station as a route ARC Special. |
September 2014 |
274 |
The rear of 274. |
September 2014 |
2014 Nova Bus LFS #240-243
241 |
241 departing the University of Guelph as a route 15 - University/College. |
August 2015 |
242 |
242 at the University of Guelph as a route 3B - East Loop. |
August 2015 |