Ferrier Compound, "The Morgue"
The Ferrier Compound, also know as the Ferrier Morgue was the final assignment for many of Edmonton's buses. Once a bus was retired it would find its way into either the Ferrier Compound, located beside Ferrier Garage, or the yard behind the Paterson Garage. The buses would sit there until they were either sold either at auction, or as scrap. Some buses were also stored in the yard during the summer period, and in fact during the 2001 IAAF Track and Field Games, this yard was actually used to store buses in use.
As of early 2006, this yard is no longer in existence. Due to a lack of garage space, ETS erected three large, heated tents in this location to park in-service buses. While buses waiting for parts are occasionally parked outside of the tents, the majority of the retired buses now find their way over to the compound behind the Paterson garage instead.
July 1986

#191, 22, 24, 15, 214, 229, 216. Back row: 30, 16, 230, 236, 233, 228, 221, 213, 247, 235, 21. |

#235, 230, 233, 228, 221, 213, 247, 236, 21?, 21 |

#16, 30, 242, 191, 22, 24, 15 and 214 are visible in this shot. |

Far right tail of #16, middle row 12, 14, left row 22, and others. |

#16, ??, 30, 242, 191, 22, 24, 15, 214 |

#16, ??, 30. Middle row: 242. Far row: 191, 22, 24, 15, 214. |

#16, ??, 30, 242, 191, 22, 24, 15, 214 |
August 1986

#220, 242, 191 and 466 are visible in this shot. |

466 and 191 sharing the yard with some Flyer E800's and GM New Looks. |

466, 191, 214, 242 and other GM's and Flyers. |

466, 191, 214, 242 and other GM's and Flyers. |

#216, 229, 214, 15, 24, 22, 191, 466 |
August 1993

2 brand new D40LF's (231 and 241) along with 2 retired D800B's, retired GM's #21, XX0, 8, 510, 454, 524, 17, 470 and Brill #191. |

#842, 841, 6, 524, 17, and 470 |

#842, 454, 510 and 8 |

763, 715, 686, 206 and 220. 206 and 220 had just recenly been delivered, the other 3 buses would return to service. |

763, 715, 686, 206 and 220. 206 and 220 had just recenly been delivered, the other 3 buses would return to service. |
1994 |
From Right to left that you can see a back end on: 20, 596,
516, 524, a T6H4521, and a TDH5301 |
From right to left: 20, 8, 454, 17, 470, 455, and 500 |
August 26, 1994

Flyer D800B's retired including #844, 850, 852, 854 and 858. #854 is now in the historic collection. |

Flyer D800B's retired including #844, 850, 852, 854 and 858. #852 is one of the few D800B's that still had the Edmonton Transit logo on the front of the bus when it was retired. |

Flyer D800B's retired including #855, 858, 846, 841, and others. |

#852, 192, 186, 486 and others. |

#23, 8, 24, 488, 483, 470, 455, 499, 500, 486 sitting outside of the morgue's east fence after they ran out of space inside! |

#488 with 24 on its left, and 483 on the right |

#488 with #24 on the right and 483 on the left. |

#23, 8, 24, 488, 483, 470, 455, 499, 500, 486 sitting outside of the morgue's east fence after they ran out of space inside! |
June 1997

#188, Info Bus, and 182. The two BBC's were returns from Toronto |
April 1998 |

487, 4, and 508, north fence |

508, 484, and 596, north fence |

537, west fence |
August 2, 1998 |

From left to right: 517, 525, 535, 518, 27, and 30 at the SE corner of the
yard |

517 is shown with 530 to the left and 525 to the right |

530 shown with 517 behind it and 28 in front of it |

530 with 517 behind it and 28 in front of it |

28 with 530 behind it and 26 in front of it

28 with 530 behind it and 26 in front of it |

26 with 28 behind it and 22 in front of it |

22 with 26 behind it ending the line of buses along the south fence |

22 with 26 behind it |

489 with 181 beside it and an unknown BBC to the left at the west fence

503 with 182, ex-InfoBUS 120 (707), and 188 beside it |

BBC 191 missing it's trolley poles and it's motor |

Brill 191 sitting inside the Ferrier Compound at the NE corner of the yard |

491, 507, 501, 511, and 510 along the north fence |

From Left to right: 165, 176, 191, and 196 in the distance

From Left to right: 165, 176, 191, and 196, unknown BBC, and 185 in the
distance |

190, 174, and 162 shown side by side in the middle of the Ferrier compound
with 3 BBC's in the background |

From left to right:503, 182, ex-InfoBUS 120 (707), and 188 beside it |
October 23, 1998 |

178 with 112 on the left and 192 on the right along the north fence |

494 shown along the north fence |

448 is shown along the east fence |

512 with 12 on the left and 448 on the right |

12 with 3 on the left and 512 on the right

3 is shown with 12 and 512 on the right of it |
May 21, 2000 |

375, west fence |

375, west fence |

538, west fence |

539, west fence |

523, west fence |

527, west fence |

543, north fence |

32 and 34 sitting in the middle of the yard |

Back Row: 532, 549, 526
Front Row: 32, 34, 31, 522, 22 |
October 2001

#394, 903, 530, 517, 305, 506, and 498 |

#908, north fence. |

#565, west fence. |

#565, west fence. |

#533, north fence. |

#394, east fence. |
September 5, 2002

#535 south centre of yard. |

#565 west fence. |

#30 south east fence. |

#30 south east fence. |

#30 south east fence. |
November 10, 2002

557, 914, 191, 492, and 366 |

307, 788, 557, 557, 914, and 191 |

517, 34, 387, and 304 |

304, 12, 547, and one other bus |

921, 176, and 4022 |
August 10, 2003

#4024, 4022, 307, ???, 557, ???, 191, 492 and 366. |

#369, 517, 387, 12, 32, 30, 22 and 1 other bus. |

#360?, 584, 684?, 698? and one other bus. |
October 19, 2003

307, 768, 557, 914, 191, 492, 366 |

914, 191, 492 |

360, 584, 684, 698, 699 |

22, 30, 32, 12, 387, 517 |

176, 4022, 307 |
This page last updated May 3, 2004