Southern Railway of British Columbia

001- SW900-Slug
110, 119, 122, 124- GP9
129- GP7u
151-153- MP15DC
381- SD38AC
382-384- SD38-2
900-909- SW900RS
910-911- SW900RSm
1201-1205- GMD1u

SW900-Slug #001
sry001-DSC04467.jpg (202390 bytes) 001 #001 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.
sry001-DSC04469.jpg (204660 bytes) 001 #001  near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.

GP7u #129

sry129-DSC04451.jpg (209073 bytes) 129 #129 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.
sry129-DSC04464.jpg (210389 bytes) 129 #129 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.

GP9 #110, 119, 122, 124

sry122-DSC04470.jpg (195409 bytes) 122 #122 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.


sry122-DSC04468.jpg (190099 bytes) 122 #122 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.


sry124-DSC04465.jpg (193608 bytes) 124 #124 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.
sry124-DSC04452.jpg (187878 bytes) 124 #124 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC.


MP15DC #151-153

sry151-DSC07016.jpg (191158 bytes) 151 #151 in Abbottsford with #905 switching some grain cars.
sry151-DSC07006.jpg (200896 bytes) 151 #151 in Abbottsford with #905 switching some grain cars.
sry152-DSC04493.jpg (196284 bytes) 152 #152 at the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC missing parts and likely retired.

SD38-2 #382-384

sry382-DSC04461.jpg (195145 bytes) 382 #383 at the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. It was parked with 152 and 908 so there's a good chance that 383 is retired.
sry383-DSC04481.jpg (198212 bytes) 383 #383 at the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. It was parked with 152 and 908 so there's a good chance that 383 is retired.

SW900RS #900-909

sry902-DSC04501.jpg (221683 bytes) 902 #902 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. with a pair of other switchers.
sry905-DSC07008.jpg (202581 bytes) 905 #905 in Abbottsford with #151 switching some grain cars.
sry905-DSC07015.jpg (191818 bytes) 905 #905 in Abbottsford with #151 switching some grain cars.
sry908-DSC04492.jpg (189774 bytes) 908 #908 at the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. probably retired.
sry908-DSC04508.jpg (227035 bytes) 908 #908 at the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. probably retired.

SW900RSm #910-911

sry910-DSC04503.jpg (231151 bytes) 910

#910 near the SRY shops at New Westminster, BC. with a pair of other switchers.