Gillig 40' "Phantom" #3200-3544

King County Metro has received two orders of Gillig 40' Phantom buses, #3200-3544 (345 buses) delivered during 1996 and 1997 and a further 50 buses in 1998 #3545-3594.

Thumbnail Bus # Date Description
1996-97 #3200-3544
kcm3224.jpg (108032 bytes) 3224 June 30, 2002 KC Metro #3224 working a route 20 in Downtown Seattle.
kcm3333.jpg (142720 bytes) 3333 July 2, 2002 KC Metro #333 operation as a route 20 in Downtown Seattle.
3360 July 1, 2002 Metro #3360 operating on a route 257.
3365 2003 Metro #3365 at the Seatac Airport.
1998 #3545-3594
kcm3570.jpg (132147 bytes) 3570 July 2, 2002 KC Metro #3570 running as a route 43 in Downtown Seattle.
