1986 MAN SL40-102L #3000-3144

In addition to the articulated buses Metro was buying from MAN, they also purchased a fleet of 145 MAN SL40-102L model buses, also known as "Americana's". These buses are powered by a MAN D2566 diesel engine and Renk 874B transmission.

Thumbnail Bus # Date Description
3062 July 1, 2002 Metro #3062 operating on a route 33 in Downtown Seattle.
3062 July 1, 2002 Metro #3062's rear while the was operating on a route 33 in Downtown Seattle.
kcm3070.jpg (118850 bytes) 3070 July 2, 2002 KC Metro #3070 operating on a route 20 White Center in Downtown Seattle.
3099 July 1, 2002 Metro #3099 waiting for a traffic light in Downtown Seattle.
3106 July 1, 2002 Metro #3106 running on a route 28 in Downtown Seattle.
