1980 GMDD T6H-5307N #520-527

1980 saw 8 T6H-5307N's delivered to Regina Transit, #520-527. These buses are powered by the Detroit Diesel 6V-71N engine and Allison V-730.

Thumbnail Bus # Date Description
 rts520b.jpg (203593 bytes) 520 October 21, 2005 Regina #520 on a layover facing westbound on 11 Ave.
523 March 26, 2002. Regina #523 heading out of the garage for the afternoon rush hour.
524 March 28, 2002. Regina #524 was photographed right across the road from the STC / Greyhound depot in Regina.
526 March 25, 2002. Regina #526 sitting while the driver ran into Tim Horton's.
526 March 25, 2002. The interior of Regina #526.

This page last updated November 27th, 2022.
