GRT MCI Classic TC-40102N

Preview: Unit: Description: Date of Photo:
520.jpg (106774 bytes) 520 520 is shown posed for photos at the Cambridge Transit Center April 2001
520r.jpg (116442 bytes) 520 The rear of 520 in the old Cambridge Livery April 2001
522.jpg (113785 bytes) 522 522 is shown posed for photos at the Ainslie Street Terminal in Cambridge, On. April 2002
523.jpg (138409 bytes) 523 523 is shown on layover as Route 54 - Ballantyne at the Ainslie Street Terminal April 2001
523r.jpg (334789 bytes) 523 The rear of 523 showing the air conditioning hump above where the rear window would have been April 2001
524.jpg (116189 bytes) 524 524 is shown on layover as Route 56 - Dunbar at the Cambridge Transit Center February 27, 2002
525.jpg (117624 bytes) 525 525 is shown on layover as a Route 59 - Myers Road at the Ainslie Street Terminal in Cambridge April 2001
525r.jpg (141795 bytes) 525 The rear of 525, also shown with it's air conditioning hump above where the rear window would have been April 2001
8804.jpg (88519 bytes) 8804 8804 is shown photographed at Fairview Park Mall, just returned from Conestoga Mall and heading to the garage April 2001
8805.jpg (100151 bytes) 8805 8805 is shown photographed on King Street at Waterloo Town Center (Waterloo) ?
8806.jpg (85115 bytes) 8806 8806 is shown photographed at the Kitchener Transportation Center ?
8806r.jpg (83436 bytes) 8806 The rear of 8806 ?
8901.jpg (77040 bytes) 8901 8901 is shown photographed at Fairview Park Mall April 2001
8901wrap.jpg (102380 bytes) 8901 8901 is shown photographed in Cambridge at the Ainslie Street Terminal with the vinyl wrap for Wonder bread. March 2002
8902.jpg (100412 bytes) 8902 8902 is shown photographed at Fairview Park Mall April 2001
8904.jpg (89918 bytes) 8904 8904 is shown photographed at the Kitchener Transportation Center January 2000
8905.jpg (81195 bytes) 8905 8905 is shown photographed at Fairview Park Mall April 2002
8906.jpg (95996 bytes) 8906 8906 is shown photographed at the Kitchener Transportation Center ?

This page last updated on December 24, 2023.
